пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Pieces of today mix in with pieces of yesterday.�And pieces of yesterday mix in with pieces of two months ago. And everything feels like deja vu. And every second of it burns, and stings, and sends shivers up my spine.�Iapos;m left with that feeling- the heat in the very center of my chest. The boulder Iapos;m trying to swallow. The knives in the back of my throat.�And the hands that should be mine, but feel like someone elseapos;s instead.

I canapos;t forget you, but god,�I canapos;t remember you.

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HOLY�FUCKING�SHIT The I LOVE this chapter so much Tsunade finally reached her limit and fought back with the annoying old geezers. HA TAKE�THAT The chapterapos;s full of tension in the air, I feel so excited and anxious and sorry....sorry for the village that is. I canapos;t believe the village of Konoha is in grave danger again Then� that Danzo appears and killed the frog... Err toad that was supposed to report Naruto and who-was-that-sage-toad-master to get back to the village�WHAT�THE�HELL OH�MY�GAWD Iapos;m going crazy just thinking about it. Aw man. This is so bad. There are so many negative possibilities that might happen to the village. So many what ifs are running through my head now. DAMMIT. I hope Naruto gets back to the village soon or he wonapos;t have anything to return to. Oh, and DANZO�IS�BAAAAAD

I wonder when will Sasuke show up again. I already miss him.


Oh and by the way, this might be a bit late but, I�FUCKING love both the new ending and opening songs of Shippuden -sigh- I canapos;t stop listening to it. Iapos;ve already made them my lullaby too. Haha

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I liked this format. They actually gave more details than they did in the other debates. I think the first two were mostly just talking points and sound bites.

You will probably disagree with me on this. I think McCain did a little better than Obama last night. However, I also think Obama was making a big effort to be respectful and non-confrontational. He let a lot of opportunities to correct McCain slide.

I think McCain finally found his issue, Class Warfare, and heapos;s already started hammering that today.

Did you notice how McCain mocked the idea of a "womanapos;s health" mattering when Obama mentioned that in the Roe v Wade discussion? I wonder if he would have mocked the idea of protecting menapos;s health, or used finger quotes when saying it.

We all know McCain is pro insurance companies paying for Viagra while being wishy washy on requiring them to cover birth control. Itapos;s just a double standard.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I just had to call Woolies back because obviously my order was packed by the warehouse toker again. Two boxes, right. One box - missing. The (very helpful, totally blameless) driver came back and we sorted through various obviously mislabeled orders in the back of his truck until we found a bag that contained eight items Iapos;d ordered, was still missing the sour cream but had margarine I�hadnapos;t ordered instead. We agreed to call� that a win ;-) At least theyapos;ve cut their delivery prices in half, now it is genuinely no more expensive to have a delivery than to go over there myself and bring it back in a taxi. I�call that good.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Whew, havenapos;t updated this in a while, so thereapos;s a lot to cover, so bear with me

First off, about two months ago, I told the AVA community Iapos;d be taking it easy with the audition processes until the end of school year so I could focus more on school. If you look at my resume, I think itapos;s pretty obvious I didnapos;t stick to this very long. Thereapos;s a lot of awesome projects out there I just had to be a part of Plus as nice as it is to be scouted for your talent, itapos;s good self-promotion to audition now and then, even if you donapos;t get the part. As long as you do your best, the producer will remember you when he or she realizes youapos;ve got what their looking for in another project.

And in other news, my own productions are flourishing I know episode 4 of MGGB was delayed there for about a week and a day, but you guys were patient and I appreciate that. Episode 4 is now out, and the project has itapos;s own page here on my site, with a full list of episodes, links, and the official synopsis from Kojima Productions

And thatapos;s not even mentioning the also-ridiculously-delayed debut of "Red Car/Green Car." Well, wait no more The first episode is out and Rebecca promoted it just about everywhere you can think of in a day Iapos;m setting up a page for that on my site as well, so youapos;ll be able to listen to it there Tell me what you think

Well, Iapos;m off to work on Episode 5 of MGGB
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Itapos;s the first day of this thing. Iapos;m listening to the music i listened to
incessantly, back and forth from the hospital. When you killed yourself, or tried to. The sky is grey. Everything is too laden with meaning to even try. I am in the midst of so much torment and sorrow, but you know, i still get to walk around feeling like the luckiest person in the world. So fuck you, you didnapos;t win.
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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m fucking serious. Iapos;ve played over 200 games. Iapos;ve seen the bullshit. It needs to be patched. ALL THESE FUCKING FAGGOT pussies using the toe drag move need to fucking play the game. EA needs to stop craft there games from bullshit. Iapos;m done with it until the patch comes out. Iapos;m so mad right now I need to fucking break something. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK NHL 09

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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

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In the beginning I started writing out of curiosity; then, it evolved to a kind of therapy and ended up becoming a real mental exercise. I used to write on a daily basis, there were days in which I even did it twice. Any thing that happened around me was susceptible of being the subject in one of my posts.

I no longer follow the same ritual when I write. I donrsquo;t sit far back on my chair and eat circus peanuts.�I donrsquo;t stare at the ceiling hoping for the words to fall from abovehellip; and I donrsquo;t turn off all the lights until I find myself immersed in darkness, facing my computer screen.

Now, I find my self pressing the DELETE key for several seconds until my word document becomes white.�Waiting until I can grab the first idea, trying to remember what the fuck I did yesterday, while I am mentally solving some sentimental logarithms.

I realized that I need to become insensible. So I came up with some rules to follow:

- Donrsquo;t offer your opinion and you will not be mistaken.

- Donrsquo;t trace yourself any goals and you will never meet failure.

- Donrsquo;t get in a relationship and you will never be abandoned.

- Donrsquo;t love anyone and you wonrsquo;t have to cry for them.

- Donrsquo;t listen to anyonersquo;s opinion and you will avoid confrontation.

- Donrsquo;t start anything, and you will avoid the anxiety of having to finish it.

Unfortunately I have not managed to follow any of these directives. In fact, trying to put them in practice has only magnified my feelings. �

Should I consider retirement?

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The past week or so, Iapos;ve noticed a moth infestation in my pantry. Iapos;ve lived in this same house for 15 years and never had a moth infestation before, so I�didnapos;t know what was up.

About a month ago, my mom purchased a bag of rice from Pathmark in Islip, and it had moth larvae in it (if you ever see kernels moving, suffice to say, itapos;s NOT�rice). We brought it back immediately and complained, and the store refunded our money.

We went shopping again at Pathmark, and all of a sudden, there were moths EVERYWHERE. They attacked all our grains, rice, beans, crackers, cereals and even ice-cream cones. There were larvae and moths everywhere. We threw out at least $100 worth of groceries today. And in checking everything, we found the culprit - a box of Milk-Bone dog biscuits we purchased at Pathmark recently. When I opened the box, about 10 moths flew out, and the bones were�CRAWLING - there were at 30 moths, lots of eggs and webs in the top portion of the box alone. This was�the breeding ground for�the problem - suffice to say,��the bones are going back to Pathmark today.

So, I donapos;t know if itapos;s a Pathmark in Islip problem or a Pathmark warehouse problem, but Iapos;m just warning you what happened. Weapos;ve also had some problems with the store in regards to milk going bad fast, etc. Weapos;ve decided to switch over to King Kullen and Stop and Shop from now on.

So, if you do buy grains/cereals/seeds/beans/flours from any supermarket, I suggest you do the following:

- Check bags for pinholes (moths eat through bags and leave pinholes), webs, little eggs (theyapos;re whitish or yellowish, very small, but always clustered), moving worms or moths. If you even see moths stuck to the outside of the bags, donapos;t buy them. You can also check for holes by squeezing the bag gently. If you feel or hear air leaking, stay away.
- Keep the products tightly covered in Tupperware or glass jars
- If youapos;re not going to use the products right away, freeze them - rice, beans, flours�and grains hold particularly well in the freezer.
- If you donapos;t like using moth balls (smelly and carcinogenic), hang sachets of lavender of cedar, because moths hate the smell
- If you do have moths, put a 1:3 ratio of boric acid (Borax) to cornmeal in a jar and put it on your pantry shelf. They eat the cornmeal and die.
- Buy a pherenome moth sticky trap at the hardware store (one is more effective than multiple in a certain area)

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